With the assistance of humans ChatGPT succeeded to pass medical and law exam. The AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT from San Francisco-based OpenAI has passed multiple tests in its research release version. We have described how the AI bot ChatGPT succeeded to pass the law and medical exams in this article. With assistance from human tutors from University of Minnesota courses, ChatGPT passes legal and medical tests.
The ChatGPT succeeded in tests for law from University of Minnesota courses, portions of the US Medical Licensing exams, and a test from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
Despite passing these tests, the chatbot occasionally needed help from a human and did not always do so with flying colors.
Will Chat GPT3 Attend Wharton for an MBA? A study was released and published. Using a test that MBA students normally complete, researcher Christian Terwiesch assessed the performance of the chatbot.
Terwiesch observed that ChatGPT occasionally produced “surprising blunders” in computations suited for middle school but performed “amazingly” when it came to essential questions regarding its subject. ChatGPT was occasionally able to alter its responses in response to cues, but it was still unable to respond to especially difficult questions.
The statement comes after OpenAI CEO Sam Altman denied rumors that the upcoming ChatGPT version would be substantially more advanced than the one available for public testing from December 1, 2022.
Academics and test administrators have warned students against using ChatGPT to submit plagiarized essays or cheat on exams, while corporations are creating a number of measures to detect the use of AI-based technology in submitted work.